How To Use Essential Oils: Support Your Holistic Journey

Three powerful ways to use essential oils to support your mind, body, emotions and soul.

Why Energy Management Is Important For Your Life

Your energy has everything to do with how you show up and lead your life. If you are ready to step into your desired reality, then you want to pay attention to your energy. Your energy comes first. Learn how to manage your energy and better support how you feel and show up.

A Grounding Visualization

Work with this simple yet powerful practice to feel grounded in your body and release the energies that you might be holding onto that are not yours. Helping you to feel more emotionally balanced. How to do the grounding visualization Find a quiet place and close your eyes, if it feels comfortable to bring your focus inward. Take a few deep breathes to relax your body, in through your nose out through your mouth. Imagine yourself as a tree with strong roots growing out the bottom of your ...

Labradorite: Support Your Energy Field

Labradorite this is such a beautiful stone for helping to protect and strengthen your auric field. It also helps with repairing any leakages and holes that you may have within this field to make it really strong and health. Your health is dependent upon your auric field. Your auric field is simply your energy field that supporting your physical body. Your auric field is your first line of defense when it comes to maintaining your health and wellbeing. Everything is held within this space. When ...

Move Through Resistance With The Energy Of Play And Curiosity

Resistance is a part of our human experience. It allows for contrast so that you can choose how to navigate forward. For most of us, we can experience the energy of resistance and immediately put up a wall saying, “Nope. I’m done. I am not meant to move forward.” We have probably been programmed to believe that resistance is the wrong way. That is simply not the case and I want to help you move through it. You can read through the blog post and/or watch the video. The video is ...

Creating A New Way Of Living And Being

I am being reminded that we are creating the new. A new way of living and being that is deeply connected to your soul. It is in this process that the old is crumbling. Maybe you can scan over the last few weeks or months of your life and recall things breaking down. What is happening is an upgrade and expansion by shifting timelines. You know this because things in your life are breaking down. There is no longer energy to hold the old and support that previous timeline. As the old leaves, it ...

How to Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart

Your mind wants to keep you safe. Your soul want you to live your best life. How do you get out of the mind trap of being stuck in “thinking your way through” and instead, get into your heart space to access deeper wisdom and knowledge to move your forward? I am going to show you how to do that. You can read through the blog post and/or watch the video. The video is more of a light transmission with expanded information from the blog post. When something is off or not right, you ...

Pink Tourmaline Rubellite: Awakening to Self Trust

Pink Tourmaline Rubellite to help awaken to self trust. I decided it was time to sit down and connect with this crystal. As I held it into my hands and tuned in, it dropped me back into my heart space. As if I was being wrapped in a comforting pink blanket. It felt very much like connecting with the smell of pink pepper essential oil. If you never connected with this smell, I highly recommend it. It brought me back to the core of who I am. Deeply connecting inward yet feeling so expansive. It ...

How To Cleanse Your Space

Your space is a container for your energy. Have you ever noticed when a room becomes cluttered, how constricted you feel? Or when you start to clean it up, how open and expansive it feels? Have you noticed how your body relaxes into that space? Your space has a huge impact in your overall health and wellbeing and how you truly show up in the world. Today I want to talk about how your space may be influencing your overall energy and how to keep it cleansed to better support you. Take ...

The Benefits Of Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing is a beautiful way to truly support your energetic and physical self. Today I want to break down what is crystal healing and how it can benefit you in shining your light. You can read through the blog post or watch the video. The video is more of a light transmission with expanded information from the blog post. Before I dive into the benefits of crystal healing, let’s get on the same page and I want to share how crystals work. I break them into two main ...


Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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