Blog How to Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart

How to Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart


Your mind wants to keep you safe. Your soul want you to live your best life.

How do you get out of the mind trap of being stuck in “thinking your way through” and instead, get into your heart space to access deeper wisdom and knowledge to move your forward?

I am going to show you how to do that.

You can read through the blog post and/or watch the video. The video is more of a light transmission with expanded information from the blog post.

When something is off or not right, you will feel it.

It will cause you to question or stop what you are doing. 

There is nothing wrong with this.

If it is something you truly desire, your brain/mind will have you trying to "figure it out" till it feels somewhat good for you. 

Maybe you try on what comes through with your thinking mind, but it still feels off.

Some will continue on with this path of never truly feeling satisfied.

It keeps you in this perpetual looping of always trying to “figure it out”.

But there is another way. 

One where you can tap into the truth of who you are & connect deeper with your heart, which is the seat of the soul.

This is your higher power, your expanded version of you that embodies your physical body. 

When you choose to follow your heart, it means that you let go of the thinking way and get into your body. You don't leave your mind out from helping you.  You just don't access that information first.

Tapping into your heart and following the calling of your soul requires unwavering faith and trust.  

The challenge with this is that many don’t keep the faith because outside pressure or internal pressure from your mind, is telling you that you need to figure this out.

But if you can work with your mind and put it at ease as you tap into your soul’s intelligence, that is when you receive the downloads, uploads and aligned action to move you forward.

That is the magick, because what comes through you, will mostly likely not look like what you think it should look like.

How do you get out of your head and into your heart?

  • Acknowledge that your mind wants to keep you safe. This helps your mind settle down. “Thank you for your support but I want to tap into my heart center to see what else I can uncover.”

  • Drop into your body and connect with your heart space: Allow yourself and body to get into a relaxed. Take a few deep breathes. Put your hand on your heart to connect in with that area. It allows you to drop deeper into your body. Just notice how this feels. Tune in and just be.

    • You might experience sensations, see colors or images flash into your awareness. Maybe you hear words or you just have a deep sense of knowing that you are connecting to the expanded version of yourself. This is your intuition helping you read the energy of your heart.

    • It is in this space that you can ask your questions for the support you need.

  • Journal: Use your journal as a space to write what comes through for you. Don’t filter what you receive. Just allow it to flow. Then you can go back and read what you wrote. You might be surprised by what comes through for you. It is probably exactly what you needed.

Obstacles that might come up:

You feel like you aren’t receiving any information: Sometimes things don’t come through so easy. There could be so many reason for this. If you don’t feel like you got anything, allow yourself to continue on with your day. That is when I find that things drop into my field of awareness and deeper answers to my questions.

You don’t trust yourself: You questions what came through as your imagination. Well, that could be true. Your imagination is one way your soul can talk through you.

It doesn’t make sense: So you chalk up this experience as not working and never do it again. I have found over and over and over again that the more I follow through with the things that don’t make logical sense, the more I am getting into alignment with what I am trying to do.

If you are feeling like things are off, ease your brain and go deeper within yourself.  Tap into your heart, your connection to your soul.  Then allow the magick to come through.  I have found it more beneficial to work with the heart space first then bring the mind into that awareness.

This is a practice. The more your practice this, the easier it is to just live in this space.

Let me know in the comments below if this resonated with you. Do you find yourself in your mind a lot? If so, how would you add this practice into your life?


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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