Blog Creating A New Way Of Living And Being

Creating A New Way Of Living And Being


I am being reminded that we are creating the new.

A new way of living and being that is deeply connected to your soul.

It is in this process that the old is crumbling.

Maybe you can scan over the last few weeks or months of your life and recall things breaking down.

What is happening is an upgrade and expansion by shifting timelines.

You know this because things in your life are breaking down. There is no longer energy to hold the old and support that previous timeline.

As the old leaves, it can be difficult to navigate and adjust to because you maybe thinking, nothing is working.

However, this is an opportunity to play in this energy with curiosity.

The default energy that many turn to is doubt and fear when things start to break down in their reality. This energy crumbles your curiosity because you are essentially shutting down your energy field.

Making it very hard to be curious and look at this timeline shift as an expansion into a new way of living and being.

Take notice:

  • Where are you in doubt?

  • Where are you in fear?

Those energies are simply emotions. Which means energy in motion. You see, they are not YOU and not meant to be held onto for dear life.

They are meant to move through you. You being the vessel that gets to feel, see and allow them to be released from within your energy field.

Yes, let that energy go.

Letting it go and releasing it is how you transform that energy. Energy can not be created or destroyed. It moves from one form to another.

This is how you are able to make more space, room and freedom to play in the energy of curiosity as you tap into and create your new.

Ready to tap into the energy of play and curiousity?


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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