Essential Oils to Enhance Intuition and Spiritual Connection

Learn the difference between your intuition and spiritual connection along with how to use essential oils to enhance these innate abilities to support you in better navigating your life.

How Regular Charka Balancing Can Transform Your Energy and Well-Being

Discover how regular chakra balancing can transform your energy, reduce stress, and enhance well-being for a more centered life.

You Are Not Your Emotions: A Guide to Understanding and Releasing Them

Learn to distinguish yourself from your emotions and explore practical techniques for emotional release and healing.

Understanding Energy Blockages: How to Identify and Release Them

Discover energy blockages, their causes, and release techniques with meditation, crystals, essential oils, and more. Achieve balance and vitality today!

Discover Vibrant Health Through The Power of Holistic Wellness

Explore the profound connection between holistic wellness and spiritual growth for modern mystics. Discover how to achieve vibrant health, purpose, and fulfillment.

How to Create a Sacred Space for Spiritual Practices

Create a sacred space in your home or even office that you can go to everyday that will back your mission of self empowerment and expansion. 

Daily Rituals with Clear Quartz Crystal

Clear quartz crystal is known as the master healer.  If you aren't really sure which crystal to work with, I would choose clear quartz. It amplifies energy, thoughts and even properties of other crystals. That is why they work so well in crystal grids.  Clear quartz balances all aspects of self: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  It also cleanses and enhances your energy bodies.   Incorporating this crystal into your daily rituals will help to enhance your ...

Daily Rituals: Working With Frankincense Essential Oil

Learn about Frankincense Essential Oil and how you can use it daily to support your mind, body and spirit.

Why Crystals and Essential Oils Are Essential To Your Holistic Wellbeing and Spiritual Journey

Crystals and essential oils are frequency activators. Learn how they can support your spiritual and holistic wellbeing.

Crystal Wisdom: Blue Kyanite

Crystal Wisdom is a crystal channeling through meditation.  These nuggets of wisdom are here to tap into as often as you feel guided to them.  Each time you tap into the message, more information gets unlocked for you. Tap into the message from blue kyanite.


Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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