Blog Why Energy Management Is Important For Your Life

Why Energy Management Is Important For Your Life


Your energy has everything to do with how you show up and lead your life.

If you are ready to step into your desired reality, then you want to pay attention to your energy.

Your energy comes first.

That is why energy management is a skill that will help you reach your goals.

I like to categories energies into these two types because it makes it easier to understand:

Heavy, dense energies:

Some examples would be anxiety, uncertainty, depression, anger, etc. These feel heavy, like they are weighting you down.

They close of your energy field. You may feel as if you have blinders on and can’t see beyond the point of this energy.

It does not feel good in the body and most people react or lash out this energy onto others and into their environment.

If not allowed a place to release, it can be held within the aura (energy field) and then within the body and over time will lead to physical dis-ease.

They are not bad. They help you understand your experiences and how you relate to them.

Light, expansive energies:

Some examples would be love, joy, gratitude, appreciation. These feel light and as you tap into them, they allow your body to relax and open up.

In this space, you are connected to the core of who you are. You are open to possibilities. It is easier for you to receive spiritual guidance and see new ways of doing things.

When I talk about managing your energy, It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t feel heavy, dense energies and that you should only feel light expansive energies. No. It means that you understand your energy and what it is doing in your life.

Experiencing emotions and energy is a part of this human experience.

For most of us, we have plans, intentions and desires to do more and be more than where we currently are. And when we try to step into those plans, we are met with resistance and energies that don’t feel good.

Instead of learning to move through those energies, we say, “it is too hard” and quit. Never reaching the desired outcomes or potentials you know you can.

Managing your energy means you learn to work with energy, be able to untangle yourself, see where you might be holding yourself back and understanding how to move through it.

You are meant for all that you feel within you and what comes through to you. It is up to you to go after it and make it happen. That is why energy management is a huge piece to helping you get to where you desire to be in life.

Let me know your thoughts? What do you think about energy management and did this give you a new perspective? Leave me a comment below.


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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