Blog How To Cleanse Your Space

How To Cleanse Your Space


Your space is a container for your energy.

Have you ever noticed when a room becomes cluttered, how constricted you feel?

Or when you start to clean it up, how open and expansive it feels? Have you noticed how your body relaxes into that space?

Your space has a huge impact in your overall health and wellbeing and how you truly show up in the world.

Today I want to talk about how your space may be influencing your overall energy and how to keep it cleansed to better support you.

Take Inventory:

I want you to take some time to notice the rooms in your house and work space.

How do they feel? How do they look?

Is every space occupied by physical stuff? Does it feel stuffy? Does it feel restrictive?

Maybe the space is open but it feels off? Not clear and expansive. There could be some lingering energies in rooms that need to be cleared out. I will give you some example of things you can do to cleanse that space.

Arguments, fights, disagreements create energy and that energy can get stored in the space and it also impacts how you feel and how you operate.

Once you have identified if you need to move physical things or just cleanse the air, identify the options below that would best support you in doing that.

How To Cleanse Your Space:

  • Declutter - you simply need to clear out the space. Too many times we hold onto things that we don’t really need to. If there are things you desire but don’t use, think about putting them in a storage unit or garage or even shed. This is going to free you up: mind, body and space. Yes, you can still be attached to things energetically. Moving them allows you to kind of release the attachment.

  • Clean your space - a good vacuum or even dusting once a week or more if you need, works wonders. This helps to shift energy around and make the space feel more inviting and relaxing.

  • Use sound - Chimes, crystal singing bowl, Tibetan singing bowl, even clapping your hands. This shifts energy. It helps to clear out and move energy around so it doesn’t feel stagnant and compacted.

  • Open windows - nature is amazing and allowing the wind or fresh air to flow through the house is amazing or energy. I like to open adjacent windows and doors to create a flow of air to move through the house.

  • Essential Oils - diffuse essential oils in the space - this helps to purify the air as well as create a positive impact on your emotional state of mind.

  • Place crystals in your space - Crystals transmute and transform energy. You can keep certain crystal frequencies in your space to purify, cleanse or even create a subtle loving frequency, if that is what you so desire.

  • Smudging or burning incense - burning sage is a traditional ritual passed down from ancient times to clear space and people. The smoke shifts and transform the energy. Make sure that you open your windows to use this one.

Allow your intuition to guide you. Play with the different ways to cleanse your space and determine what works best for you. I encourage you to create a consistent practice of this, maybe weekly.

I would love to hear how this resonated with you and what is your favorite way to cleanse your space? Leave are a comment below.


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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