How To Connect With Your Crystals

Grab your crystals. It is time to learn how to connect with them. First off, you need to understand that crystals work at an energetic level. Let’s think about how you picked your crystals. Did you read about them and what they can do? Did you go to a crystal store and choose the ones that caught your eye? Maybe you received your crystal from someone? It doesn’t matter how you got your crystals. What I want you to get out of this is that they were working with you consciously or ...

Energy Drainers VS. Energy Expanders

Do you fall into the trap of doing thing that don't feel good or things that you really don't want to do? It's time to explore energy drainers vs. energy expanders and learn how to start taking more control over your life.

Four Practices To Strengthen Your Intuition

Your intuition is your ability to read energy. Energy is everything. Learn how to strengthen your intuition so you can better trust yourself and the energy you are reading.

Top 5 Tips To Living A Soul-Led Life

Your soul is the expanded version of your light, your essence, who you are at your very core. As a human you bring a portion of that light within you into physical form. Your soul has desires, passions, missions to do things in this physical reality. It guides you to your best version and outcomes that you are here to step into. If you are reading this, you want to live a more soul led life. I want to give you my top tips to living a soul led life. You can read through the blog post or watch ...

Creating Space For Soul Time

How much time do you spend truly connecting to your soul? I am talking about time where you go inward, get quiet and listen? Not where you are scrolling tv, online or searching on your phone. A time when you can connect with you, your breath and your consciousness. If I take a guess, am I right that it may not even be a consistent practice? If you are creating space for soul time, congrats to you. I have come to realize that this practice of soul time is actually key to living a life you truly ...

Why Clarity And Vision Are Important When Creating Change

If you are ready to make changes in your life, even if you are unsure of what that may be or how to go about doing it, you are in the right place.  Change is inevitable.  In fact, it is a part of life. As humans, we are always evolving, growing and expanding. 

What Is Energetics & Soul Aligment?

Let's dive into energetics and soul alignment, but from a new perspective, the way I see it and experience through life.  That way you can truly see the energy behind what you do and how you can work toward soul alignment.

How To Attune To Your Crystal

This practice is great to help you learn more about your crystal and how to easily tune into it's energy. Through this process you be able to use crystalline frequencies to work with you and support you.

Hydration: An Important Daily Habit

This is a powerful daily habit that can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing, when you are drinking the right amount of water.


Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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