Blog The Benefits Of Crystal Healing

The Benefits Of Crystal Healing


Crystal Healing is a beautiful way to truly support your energetic and physical self.

Today I want to break down what is crystal healing and how it can benefit you in shining your light.

You can read through the blog post or watch the video. The video is more of a light transmission with expanded information from the blog post.

Before I dive into the benefits of crystal healing, let’s get on the same page and I want to share how crystals work. I break them into two main areas.


Crystals work through intention. This is simply a statement that directs the energy of the experience you want to create.

This is SO POWERFUL. I think we can simply brush off the word intention and practice of intention.

But I want you to read this again: an intention is simply a statement that directs the energy of the experience that you want to create.

This puts you back into your power. It opens you up to your creator ability to work with energy and what you truly want in this reailty.

This will help you gain more confidence in yourself as a creator and really pre-paving the energy and experience you want to create.

Crystal can help you with that. And when you begin to purposely work with intention, it will transform your life.


This is the second way that crystal work. This is where you are bringing two energy frequenices to match the most dominant frequency.

Crystals are perfected geometric structures. They are made right within Earth. Making them a very stable vibration or frequency.

Each crystal has it’s own unique energies and they bring different qualities out but for the most part, they are the most dominating frequency.

As humans, our energy is all over the place. Our emotions, thoughts we experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows at any second. We are always fluctuating in energy frequency.

When you are working with crystals, because they are stable and the dominate frequency, they are able, through entrainment to bring our energy up to their stable frequency to match that.

And this is where the benefit of crystal healing is so important.

Benefits of Crystal Healing

Crystal allow you to see where you are at, what you are vibing and what your energy is. In doing this and bring our energy into entrainment with a stable, dominate frequency, you are able to see things that you have been holding onto that may not be of the highest good, come to the surface and into your own awareness.

You have free will, so you have choice whether to release what no longer serves or to continue to hold onto this energy.

  • It helps us to understand patterns, energy and experience that are not of our highest good, best interest or benefiting us in where we desire to go.

    When you decided to work with crystals or being guided to work with crystals, it is a good indicator that you are ready to let this stuff go.

    It is a huge benefit to be able to see the energy, patterns and information in your reality and knowing that you can change it. And that is one of many ways crystals can help you.

  • Crystal help to bring you into a more relaxed state of being. This is because they are working at stabilizing your energy field. In doing so, you are also able to release stress and feel so much better.

  • It transforms your energy. You can use them to clear out your aura. Your aura is the energy around the outside of your body. I think of your aura as your first line of defense in staying healthy and operating at your best. This is because energy: thoughts, emotions, experiences impact the aura. If you are not taking care of this energy, it can create blocks, leaks or stagnant energy in this field. Over time this creates physical dis-ease in the body.

    You are not just a physical being, but you are also energetic. Taking care of your energy is so very important because it impacts you on a physical level. Crystal healing helps you understand the energy part of you so you can take better care of yourself.

  • Opens you up to operating more from your core essence, soul frequency. In this post, What is your dominate “default” frequency you are holding in your body. I talk about how we have a core soul essence frequency, who we are at our core, our light. It is never gone and always present. Then we have a default frequency that is full of life experiences, thought patterns and emotions that we have held onto and operate from. It may feel like we have dust on our light and this default doesn’t allow us to shine brightly.

    Crystal healing can help peel away the dust and the obstacles so that we can shine and operate more fully at our core soul frequency. This allows us to fully begin to understand who you are, how you operate and how to best support yourself.

  • Crystals can help you feel more energized.

  • Crystal healing supports manifestation. Manifestation is simply bring energy into physical form. Working with crystals can help you to do that by expanding your energy field, which opens you up to the possibilities of things happening as well as what you may need to do in the form of inspired action.

  • Helps to remove limiting beliefs. You can clearly see where you maybe stuck and where you are not moving forward so that you can make changes in your self and your life.

The benefits of crystal healing are huge. It truly can support in you transforming your self and life in the most amazing ways. Because it is helping you to see who you truly are so that you can honor your light and shine it in this world.

Let me know in the comments, are you currently working with crystals or being called to connect more deeply with them?


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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