Blog How To Use Essential Oils: Support Your Holistic Journey

How To Use Essential Oils: Support Your Holistic Journey


There are 3 powerful ways that you can use essential oils.

1.  Breath them in

Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds. The most effective way is to use them aromatically. All you have to do is open up a bottle and smell.

If you have a diffuser, you can put a few drops of an essential oil in there and allow the essential oil to be dispersed into the air.

You can put a drop or two into your hands, rub them together and breath in the aroma.

So how does this help you? The aroma from the essential oils goes directly through your nose, right into your limbic part of your brain. It is within this part of the brain that support your emotions and memories.

Breathing in essential oils aromatically can help support you in feeling calm, uplifted, improve your sleep and even help you to breathe a bit better.

2. Put them on your body

This is what you would term topical use. Essential oils are easily absorbed through the skin. They are easily able to get into the bloodstream and affect different organs inside the body.

If you need to soothe your muscles, you can apply Deep Blue. If you were having abdominal discomfort, apply DigestZen on your belly.

You can apply the oils neat (which means without dilution) or you can dilute them with a carrier oil.

You would most likely dilute if you have sensitive skin, applying on children or you want to spread the oil over a large area on the body.

There are some essential oils which are considered “hot” oils and should be diluted, such as Oregano, Cinnamon, Cassia. You would want to dilute those essential oils with a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil or grapeseed oil, to dilute them.

My favorite way to put them on topically is by applying them on the bottom of my feet. You can also put a drop on your pulse points and behind the neck.

Fun fact: It takes 20 seconds for an essential oil to get into your bloodstream and 20 minutes for it to distribute throughout your whole body.

3. Take them internally

Essential oils can be used as dietary supplements, however, only if they are labeled on the bottle. dōTERRA has a wide range of essential oils that you can use internally. Not every essential oils is made the same. In fact, other essential oil brands are not safe to take internally. I did my research and only recommend and trust the dōTERRA brand to take internally.

There are so many health benefits to taking certain essential oils internally. Essential oils are fat soluble so they can easily pass through the cell membrane to combat threats and support the cell and the body. The also help support cellular health, digestive health and immune support. *

Add them to water, however you will want to add the drop of essential oil into your glass (don’t add it to plastic cups, only glass or stainless steel), put a drop or two under your tongue, get an empty veggie capsule and add a few drops to it and take it that way.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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