Blog Move Through Resistance With The Energy Of Play And Curiosity

Move Through Resistance With The Energy Of Play And Curiosity


Resistance is a part of our human experience. It allows for contrast so that you can choose how to navigate forward.

For most of us, we can experience the energy of resistance and immediately put up a wall saying, “Nope. I’m done. I am not meant to move forward.”

We have probably been programmed to believe that resistance is the wrong way.

That is simply not the case and I want to help you move through it.

You can read through the blog post and/or watch the video. The video is more of a light transmission with expanded information from the blog post.

Tap into the energy of resistance

Think about where you might be experiencing resistance in your life right now.

Maybe it has to do with your work, or living situation or even something you are trying to create.

How does that energy feel to you?

For myself, the resistance was around the content I am putting together for an upcoming program.

I was in my head space “trying to figure it out.”

Those words are a clue. I talked about this last week in my video about How to Get Out of Your Head And Into Your Heart.

Our minds can keep us stuck, which is a form of resistance.

Go back to your resistance and how that feels?

Resistance is like a roadblock that can keep you stuck. I am sure you can feel into that truth as you sit in the energy of your resistance.

This morning, I woke up to these words, “Create the content through the energy of play and curiosity.”

When I heard that come through, I immediately felt a shift.

Now I want you to just allow yourself to sit in the energy of those words.

Tap into the energy of play

When you sit with the word or even energy of play, what comes to mind?
What does it feel like?
What does it bring up for you?

This is going to be different for everybody because we have our own unique viewpoint and experiences of what that means for us.

For myself, play brings up the images of a playground. I see myself running around, freedom, expression - being true to me, expansion.

Allow yourself to sit in the energy of play and what it means for you.

Can you feel how it open you up? Maybe your shoulders sit back, you feel more relaxed and at ease.

When you open up your energy field, you allow more of the possibilities to come through. Where in the energy of resistance, you can feel it tighten your body. It is constricted and makes it hard to move through.

Tap into the energy of curiosity

Think about the word curiosity and the energy of it.
What does that mean for you?
What does it feel like?

For me, it's about exploring, uncovering. It brings in that energy of play. Freedom of boundless energy, of movement.

Curiosity can bring through unlimited possibilities because it allows you to not constrict yourself to a certain way.

A Reminder

There is no one right way to live in this experience of life and being human.

There is your way because you are here to explore consciousness. You are here through your unique energy, your essence, your specific blueprint to experience consciousness in your way.

That brings through the energy of curiosity.

Can you see how play and curiosity open up your energy field? They are not constricting you.

Like I said earlier, resistance is a part of being human but how much resistance do you want to keep holding onto?

You aren’t meant to stay stuck in that energy.

There is an easier way to help you move through the contraction that you might be experiencing by tapping into the energy of play and curiosity.

I say this a lot that we are moving away from the old and into a new way of living and being.

What this means is that we are moving away from believing that our power is outside of ourselves. Where we were looking at other people to be the experts and know more than we do.

We're coming into this new way of being that sources our power from within. Knowing that you are the vessel. You are the creator of your reality. You get to play with the energy of consciousness and who you are with your individual light in this space to bring forth what you most desire and intend.

Let me know how this resonated for you. Can you see how to move through resistance and open yourself up to more possibilities? How are you going to be able to apply this into your own life? Leave me a comment below.


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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