Blog Why Clarity And Vision Are Important When Creating Change

Why Clarity And Vision Are Important When Creating Change


If you are ready to make changes in your life, even if you are unsure of what that may be or how to go about doing it, you are in the right place.  Change is inevitable.  In fact, it is a part of life. As humans, we are always evolving, growing and expanding. 

How do you know if your are ready for change?

You just know.  You can feel within your body and being.  Follow that feeling. 

Or you could living life and noticing that things are not working out for you, for the most part.  Life and everything in it feels like a struggle. Your energy is depleted, you are stressed, tired and unsure most of the day.   You could notice that your life just feels like it is out of balance. 

These are all signs that you are ready for change.  That is why I want to share with you why clarity and vision are important in creating change.

Why Clarity?

Clarity allows you to truly get connected to what it is you want and don't want.  This helps you to identify your why.  Why do you really want this change.  What will it do for you?  

The process of clarity also gives us direction.  It helps you to identify what it is that you need to be doing to move yourself forward and what you should probably stop doing.  Clarity helps you get into action.  When you are in action, you are moving energy and starting to align with what you truly want.

There might be a chance that you don't know the exact steps to take but clarity will help you determine if there is someone or something that can help you get to where you desire to be.

Why Vision?

A vision moves in connection with clarity.  It allows you to paint a picture in your mind of what it is you truly desire.  This opens you up to the energy of motivation and inspiration to get you into action and make it happen.  It guides you to where you truly want to be. 

You can use your vision as way to step into the energy of it as it is already here for you.  By experiencing it with all your senses, feelings, inner vision and imagination.   Holding this energy in your body, knowing that it is here for you, allows you to begin to manifest it.  

As you embark on the changes in your life, make sure that you are getting clear about what it is you truly want and don't want.  Sit with your vision.  Be with it.  Work with it.  Allow your clarity and vision to define the actions and steps you need to move you forward.  This will help you to move into a life you truly love being in.


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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