Blog What Is Energetics & Soul Aligment?

What Is Energetics & Soul Aligment?


Let's dive into energetics and soul alignment, but from a new perspective, the way I see it and experience through life.  That way you can truly see the energy behind what you do and how you can work toward soul alignment.

Energetics is the energy behind something, like what you do and don't do. 

It is something that is unseen but felt on so many levels.  Energetics helps us tune into our intuitive gifts, which is simply how you can read and work with energy.

What I have come to realize is that most people are operating their life from the space of

  • I NEED to do this because ...
  • I HAVE to do this to get ..
  • If I JUST do this, I WILL get this ...

Take a moment to feel into the energy of these statements.  Think back to a time when you used one of them.  What was the energy behind it? 

Most of the time, these energy frequencies are constricting, closing off the energy or even adding friction to the thing that you truly want.  This is because you are living out of alignment with yourself - your soul - your infinite creator power.

What you are most likely living in, is the energy of other people, experiences, etc., compounded onto you.

Making it very difficult to know what is true for you.

Soul Alignment is not about being someone or something you are not.  This is about being true to you and what you want and desire.

For so long, you have been taking on the energy of everyone and everything around you.  Trying it on, trying it out, living life through other people experiences.  No wonder it can be difficult to know what you truly desire and want.

I see energetic soul alignment as a way of peeling back the energetic layers to be able to understand what is true and authentic to you.  

Let me explain, through an example of my life:

As a career path I have led with health and wellness because, well, that is where I started 16 years ago.  However, a huge turning point in my life was when I started diving into the world of energy, spiritual work and crystals, which was 13 years ago.  

As I dove deeper into the spiritual work and "new age" communities, I realized that I didn't fully resonate.  I see and experience things on a different level then most of those communities.  I thought well, I can't do this work because I must not know what I am doing.  I also didn't want to be labeled in the work because I didn't fully resonate with how others were doing it.  

I drew a line in the sand recently and decided that my work is spiritual and that health and wellness is not the main focus.  My work is shifting to reflect that.  It has only taken me 13 years to fully trust in this part of myself.

Guess what happened?  I posted about how I attune to my crystals, and a woman wrote on the post that what I shared was an upgrade to how she connects with her crystals and she was excited to try it.

This was outside confirmation of what I already knew.  I do life differently and yes - it is OK to bring that difference into the world and share it.

Let me guess.  For you, as it has been for me, it can feel as if you are jumping all over the place to find "your soul alignment" in the world.  What deeply resonates with your soul, who you are at the core.  

What I have realized is that I have taken on the energy of others and experiences as my own - for a big part of my life.  It's OK.  But I am ready to release this. 

If you are reading this, I know you are too.

This work takes dedication and commitment to yourself to come back and realize, sometimes over and over again, that you don't need to settle for anything less than who you are.  

Important things to take into consideration:

Through this process you might realize that some of the things you are currently doing in life are truly aligned for you - they are just covered in the energetics of other people and experiences.

And, you are an evolving soul - always shifting and changing.  What resonated with you years ago, may no longer be the case.  It is OK to let it go.

This process is about being able to be in your body - with your energy and your connected heart space - and live your life energetically soul aligned.



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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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