Blog Energy Drainers VS. Energy Expanders

Energy Drainers VS. Energy Expanders


I wanted to talk about Energy Drainers VS. Energy Expanders.

The reason I wanted to talk about this was because I think so many of us can fall into the trap of doing things that don’t feel good or things that we really don’t want to do that depletes our energy.

Over time this impacts our emotions and how we show up in the world and even impact our body and how it functions..  That is what I would call an Energy drainer.  This doesn’t have to be the way.   We have a choice to choose to continue to do things that drain our energy or shift it around and start to do more of the things that expand our energy.

What are energy drainers?

These are things that drain your energy.  It doesn’t feel good but you do them energy way.  It could be mental or physical.  Most of the time we created a belief around these energy drainers that we must do then because it is so.

Don’t get me wrong, there are things we must do in life to function - but we don’t need to do them in a way that drains our energy - if that is happening.  There are somethings that we do on autopilot that is completely draining our energy.  

Awareness is key - when you are aware - you can make the changes you desire.

How to identify energy drainers? 

Start to take inventory if these things are draining you.

  • Food that you eat - track what you are eating and how you feel afterward.

  • People - how to do you feel around certain people in your life - you might need to take a break from them as you build up your energy reserves and set more boundaries to better support yourself

  • What are information are you consuming - notice how you feel as you are watching things. Right now we have a lot of fear going on through tv, news, videos etc. We continue to watch this stuff over and over and over again. That in turn will drain your energy.

  • What habits do you have - are there things you are doing - unconsciously that can be draining your energy.

  • Thoughts - are you constantly thinking things that stress you out or put you in a state of fear - this can be very draining on you. You might need to shift them.

Energy Expanders

These are things that expand your energy.  Help you feel grounded and full of life.  

Here are some helpful tips to help you expand your energy.

  • Identify what you absolutely love to do and start doing it - and do more of it. This will help you expand you feel better about yourself and your whole life.

  • Start your day by acknowledging how you want to feel. What energy do you want to embody - sets the tone for your day and puts you back into your creator energy.

  • Make sure that you are taking care of your physical and energetic self - low glycemic eating, drink more water, move your body, get healthy sleep, connect with crystals for more energetic support. Take care of yourself - should be your first priority.

These are just a few examples to get your brain working to figure out what would help you identify how to do more things that would expand your energy rather than drain it.

If you need support in this area, please feel free to comment down below and I can help you out.


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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