Blog How To Connect With Your Crystals

How To Connect With Your Crystals


Grab your crystals. It is time to learn how to connect with them.

First off, you need to understand that crystals work at an energetic level.

Let’s think about how you picked your crystals. Did you read about them and what they can do? Did you go to a crystal store and choose the ones that caught your eye? Maybe you received your crystal from someone?

It doesn’t matter how you got your crystals. What I want you to get out of this is that they were working with you consciously or unconsciously at an energetic level.

So how do you connect with your crystals?

Energetically + Intuitively

The best way to begin is to rub your hands together a few times. You are activating your hand chakras. Slowly pull your hands away and bring them back together. Feel that energy?

It could be a tingle sensation, it could be heat. It is depended upon each individual person. That is energy. Your energy.

Now, place a crystal in the palm of your left hand. Notice the sensations. What does it feel like? Move the crystals to the palm of your left hand. Notice the sensations. How does it feel?

If you don’t feel anything. Don’t worry, there is nothing wrong with you. You just need to practice tuning into energy and noticing this subtle energy frequencies. It will take time. This is just one way that you can connect with your crystals and begin to sense their subtle energy vibrations.

You are also energetic. You have four main energy bodies that will help you tune into your crystals energy. They are your physical body, mental body, emotional body and spiritual body.

Physical body: This represents your physical experiences. How does the crystal make your body feel? Do you notice any sensations or connections to your physical body? Head, neck, back, legs, arms, stomach, etc. Do you feel grounded in your body or maybe you feel as if you are floating above your body?

Mental body: This represents thoughts and attitudes. What are you thinking as you are holding this crystals? What words come to mind? Are their any thoughts stories or messages coming to mind as you hold your crystal?

Emotional body: This represents your emotional experience. How do you feel emotionally? Happy, calm, agitated, etc.?

Spiritual body: This represents your connection to something bigger than yourself and your expanded self. You might have a knowing about your crystal that you can’t explain. Or maybe you receive an intuitive hit. Sometimes you might receive or sense something. Most of the time you may not. Don’t worry. This spiritual body connection can occur anytime of any day.

As you are holding onto your crystal. Tap into these different energy bodies. Notice how you feel. What information is coming through. Note everything down. Go with your first impression. Create a crystal journal. Take notes of how you work with your crystals and the information that comes through.

Crystal Meditation

Meditation allows yourself to slow down and tune inward. It helps you get comfortable about listening to your body and working with the energy, sensations and feelings to gain a deeper access to your crystal. Here is a powerful meditation that will allow you to work energetically with your crystal and then tune into your body’s wisdom and your crystals wisdom.


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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