Blog Creating Space For Soul Time

Creating Space For Soul Time


How much time do you spend truly connecting to your soul?

I am talking about time where you go inward, get quiet and listen?

Not where you are scrolling tv, online or searching on your phone.

A time when you can connect with you, your breath and your consciousness.

If I take a guess, am I right that it may not even be a consistent practice?

If you are creating space for soul time, congrats to you.

I have come to realize that this practice of soul time is actually key to living a life you truly love being in.

Why is soul time important?

This time allow you to release.
This time allows you to heal.
This time allows you to hear.
This time allows you to know your next step.

This time is truly for YOUR best interest.

For some, soul time may not be the most comfortable and easy thing to do.

This is because it means getting uncomfortable with energy, emotions and even experiences that you’ve been through. It is during this time that these things may flow up to the surface to be seen and processed, especially if you have been buried within you for so long.

Once you can start working with just being and releasing - without judgement - that is when the energy, emotions and experiences are able to move through you.

This is a huge block that stops many from creating space for soul time.

Creating space for soul time doesn’t have to be complicated, long and drawn out.

It could be a few minutes everyday where you tune in, get quite and listen.

It could be as simple as making some morning coffee or tea and taking the time to mindfully sip on it as you connect inward.

It gets to be different, everyday. It gets to be fun.

The more that you get consistent with this practice, the more you open yourself up to your light. Knowing and trusting yourself on the best steps to take. Being a channel for yourself and your own divine guidance.

Soul time truly allows you to be the authority in your life, where you make the choices as to what is in your best interest, then you can go out and make it happen.

How do you to create space for soul time?

  • Choosing to make time - set time each morning or evening, or both to tune in and connect with your soul.

  • Keep a journal - journal your experiences: questions that come up, answers that you receive, synchronicities that com through. You will be surprised at how this time opens you up to more of what you desire, during your daily life.

It really is that simple. I have also found that when I allow soul time to look different each day, more magick comes through. It becomes something I truly love to tune into.

The more that you tune into soul, the easier it is to be in this energy all day long, because your soul YOU. It just takes some time to get connected and tuned into it.

Let me know in the comments, if you have a consistent soul time practice and what that looks like for you. If this is new to you, what can you do today to start tapping into this powerful practice?


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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