Blog How to Create a Sacred Space for Spiritual Practices

How to Create a Sacred Space for Spiritual Practices


You are a woman on mission. To connect more deeply with yourself.  To heal, to empower and to grow as a spiritual being.  Your desire right now is to create a sacred space that will allow you to support your spiritual practices.   that will help support your mission of self empowerment and expansion.  

I want to share with you how you can create a sacred space within your home, your office or even your home office that you can go to everyday that will back your mission of self empowerment and expansion.  

What is a sacred space?

Sacred Space can be a physical or mental place that we go to connect with the Divine. In this post, let's focus on creating a physical place. 

The Divine can mean something different for each person. Think of it as Source, God, Higher Self, Spirit, Angels, Guides, etc. Whatever works for you. It helps you to feel centered, grounded and connected.  Which is essential when working with spiritual practices.

How can you create a sacred space for spiritual practices?

1. Dedicate a space in your home or office

This could be a corner in the room, a specific spot or an entire room, a dedicated space on the counter or even a table, etc.  Choose a place that you will make time to be in.  

2. Make it attractive

Add pictures, candles, incense, essential oils, music, crystals, journal and pen, oracle cards and anything else that you can think of to help you with your specific spiritual practices.  What do you love?  What makes you happy? This is a high vibrational area so you want to add anything that will help you raise your energy.

3. Have a cleansing tool

This could be sacred herbs tools like sage and palo santo to burn and cleanse your space.  A diffuser with a cleansing essential oil like Spanish Sage Essential Oil, Clary Sage Essential Oil, Purify Essential Oil Blend to cleanse your sacred space as well as cleansing the body.  You may also want to add a selenite wand to clear your physical body before working with your spiritual practices too.

4. Make time to be in your sacred space

The more you are able to work with and connect with your spiritual practices in sacred space, the easier it is to be that energy in your every day life.  Allow yourself to come into your sacred space not only to support your spiritual practices but to nourish your mind, body and soul. 

Your sacred space may change as you are changing.  Allow that to happen.  Really make it yours.  There are no right or wrong rules.  Allow yourself to get creative and play. 

Remember you are using it to help you connect more with the Divine.  Allow that to unfold.  You may also find more benefits to your sacred space than just using it for spiritual practices.

Now you can begin to create your sacred space and work more intentionally with your spiritual practices.   

I'd love to know how this resonates with you and to see your sacred space.  Use #holisticluminarysacredspace on IG or FB or leave me a comment below with your picture.  (It is free to sign up and leave comments!)


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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