Blog How To Overcome Indecision

How To Overcome Indecision


Let’s face it. Making choices can be hard.

This is because there are truly endless opportunities. There is not just one way to go. There are multiple.

For many of us, it has been ingrained in us that there is only one “right” way.

Which makes choosing so much harder for some people. They simply do not want to make a bad choice.

Let’s tap into the energy of indecision.

Think of a time when you felt indecisive. How did it make you feel? What was happening within the body?

The energy of indecision:

  • It keeps you stuck.

  • It has you "thinking" of all the ways you could do something. Which means we are living from a place of mentally trying to make a decision.

  • It feels suffocating because it is restricting energy flow to the body.

This holds you back because logic isn't what will truly move you forward. It is only one part of the whole of you.

Maybe it worked in the past, but we have entered into a new paradigm. A new way of living and being.

This means coming into the body and dropping into your heart center to KNOW. To make a choice. To choose. To decide.

The decision you are after requires all of you. A full body knowing. Which means you need to be in your body.

You have endless opportunities to live your life.

It is the energy behind what you choose that will guide your direction.

  • Are you making them from a place of fear?

  • Are you making them from a place of love?

  • Are you choosing to expand, even if that means it to be challenging?

  • Are you choosing to play small and hide?

There is no right or wrong way. It is your way - the light way. Your light is the guiding force, right within your heart space and body, to lead you to where you truly desire to go.

There is never a wrong way. You can always make a different choice.

It is the energy behind the choice that will move you forward or keep you stuck.

Make it a whole body connection. That is the key to moving you in the direction your soul desires to go.

Remember - you are not just your physical body. You came with your soul intact in this human body experience to grow, to expand and to move you into places you never thought possible.

Here are 3 powerful ways you can get back into your body to make a full body decision:

  • Connect To Your Inner Light. A simple practice to tune in and connect to the core of who you are.  Click here to go through this guided practice.

  • Body Scan Meditation. This is an amazing practice to help you bring your awareness and intention back into your body. You can look on youtube.

  • Walking. Walking gets you back into your body and activating your root chakra which is your connection security, safety and being present in your body.

Give these a try before you make your next decision. Then you can start to compare the difference of making decision from your head space and making decisions from your body and seeing how they actually play out in your reality.

Which one supports you better? Which one saves you time, money and energy?

That is how you can start to turn indecisiveness into confident decision making.

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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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