Blog How to Identify and Understand Different Types of Energies That Affect You

How to Identify and Understand Different Types of Energies That Affect You


In your daily life you are constantly being impacted by energies in different ways.  Not just your own energy, such as emotions, feelings, thoughts but you are also impacted by the environment, by the energy of other people and by the energy of other things. 

You see, everything is energy and can have some type of impact on you. 

By starting to identify and understand different types of energies you can better support your holistic wellness and spiritual journey.  

Become Self-Aware

Energy impacts everyone differently.  I would recommend that you start to pay attention to what you are doing and how you are feeling.  If you track this information for a week and you will be able to see patterns. 

    You will begin to notice people, places, thoughts patterns, etc that will be affecting you.  

    • What are you doing?  
    • How are you feeling?
    • Who are you with?
    • What type of environment are you in?

    These questions will really help you begin to understand and identify the different energies.

    Let's dive a little deeper.  Here are some specific things you can start to focus on as you identify and understand energy better.

    Areas of Focus

    Environment Observation: Start to notice the different environments you are in.  Pay attention to how your work space, nature, home, public spaces make you feel.  Notice any changes to your own energy based on these environments.

    Interactions with Other People: Be mindful of the energy you feel about the people you are interacting with.  This will help you set boundaries and cultivate better relationships.

    Emotional Awareness:  Tune into your own emotions and notice how you truly feel.  When you feel anger, sadness, joy, happiness, etc.  Emotions are simply energy in motions.  They are to move through you.  This awareness helps you to process the emotions and help to maintain emotional balance.  

    Internal Consumption: Things you are taking in to your body.  This could be foods, drinks, entertainment, social media, things you read, etc.  Pay attention to how they make you feel.  They can help you set boundaries and make healthy lifestyle changes.

    Keep Track Of Your Findings

    There is a lot going on at an energetic level because you are energetic and everything around you is too.  I have found it a lot easier to keep track of the different energies and how they impact you.  You will ebb and flow.  Energy and how it impacts you can change.  It really is depended up you and how you allow energy to interact with you.

    Track the Energies: For one week, start to track the energies and how they are making you feel.  Start with the areas of focus.  

    Journal how you feel: Journaling is a powerful process to allow the energies to move through you.  I also opens you up to a deeper understanding and provide clarity for yourself.

    As you begin to understand the different energies around you and how it impacts your day to day life, you are equipping yourself with an expansion of knowledge that you can use to better support yourself.  This awareness puts you in the leader position of your life.  This allows you to create boundaries and connections that further support your holistic wellness and spiritual growth goals.  

    Let's continue this conversation! What questions or topics related to energy awareness and management would you like to explore further? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments, and let's learn from each other.


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    Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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